
Mutrics GB-30

GB-30 超薄音频智能眼镜

Mutrics GB-30 是一款专门为视频和游戏玩家设计的智能眼镜,眼镜结合了独特的造型、半开放式音频及防蓝光镜片多种元素,旨在让玩家们在享受视频、游戏的同时,也为耳朵和眼睛带来更好的保护。

在右侧镜腿上,十字键、圆形按键等元素都充满体现了浓浓的 Game Boy 游戏机画风,这些按键并非装饰,我们将它们与原有眼镜上的功能键和音量键结合起来,使得眼镜可以直接满足暂停/播放、接听/挂断,或者是音量调节等高频交互需求。配色上采用了白+蓝、黑+橙、绿+橙、粉+白这样大胆的撞色。这种游戏机造型+撞色设计,能为眼镜带来一种「复古时尚」神奇魔力,同时也使得眼镜在视觉效果上更加轻薄。

Mutrics GB-30 is the world's first pair of smart glasses that are specially designed for video gamers. Its striking design, open-ear audio, advanced surround sound system and anti-blue light lenses combine to deliver gamers unparalleled sound experience as well as ear and eye comfort and protection for longtime video gaming.

It’s unique look makes you stand out from other gamers. Its retro design embodied in the color, texture and buttons is reminiscent of the classic video game console, and is a tribute to the complex of many seasoned video game players.

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Mutrics GB-30 are retro-gaming chic smart audio glasses designed for gamers.

