N30 Pro 设计灵感来源于《恶魔城 X:月下夜想曲》中象征月色的究极武器 “无限真空刃”。是全键位的无线蓝牙手柄,保留了以往为八位堂设计的复古风格,外形轻薄,方便携带。
支持六轴体感,振动,自定义按键连发。平台兼容 Windows, Android, macOS, Steam, Switch 等..
N30 Pro design
inspiration from the demon city X: night under the moon "symbol in the moonlight the
ultimate weapon of" unlimited blade vacuum ".Is the wireless bluetooth handle of all keys,
keep the previous design of style restoring ancient ways for eight hall, thin appearance,
convenient to carry.