
TwinCube Speakers



顶部中最具有特色的十字控制键,灵感来源于 NES 按钮和经典的十字键;在音箱的四面圆形出声口,也同样参照了 AB 键的设计。音箱底部便是四个支撑身体的缓冲防滑胶,手指按压上去,有一定的回弹感,把手机斜着立起,在光滑的手机屏幕玻璃上放置也稳稳当当。


We want to do a rendering force speakers, let players in the game with the game, with music, bursting with fiery passion.

At the top of one of the most distinctive cross control keys, inspired by the NES button and classic cross keys; the speakers all round out mouth design, with reference to the design of AB keys as well.Speaker is at the bottom of the four support cushion antiskid rubber body, finger press, have a certain sense of springback, set up the phone sideways, the smooth glass also tend to put on the phone's screen.

Open the console, with twin directly instead of TV sound, While maintaining the original good quality sound quality, giving the player a portable mode better game experience.

