
WooHoo Chicken Bluetooth Speaker

WooHoo 鸡蓝牙音箱

我们想设计出一款能让90后女生感受到温暖的音箱,大部分的女孩子都是喜欢小宠物的,也能够带来治愈的感觉,因此 Woohoo 会是一只小鸡的造型,而小鸡绒毛的毛发则是我们考虑的重中之重,因为这才是温暖的主要来源,由于普通塑胶材质无法模拟毛发,于是我们想到用接近真实毛发的人造毛作为 Woohoo 身体的一部分加入到设计中去。

“WooHoo” 可爱多变的造型,吸引了许多女性与小朋友的喜爱,通过大家丰富的想象力、创造力为 “WooHoo” 赋予了意想不到的形象。

Our goal was to make a speaker catering to the taste of young girls as many of them have expressed they can not feel the connection with the bluetooth speakers they can find in the market, they find them aloof. with this reason in mind, we decided to design a speaker with life and personality, therefore small pets came to our minds. This determined the shape of this speaker. The hair added on the top acts as the main source of interaction between the speaker and its user. It can simulate the fur on a real animal for people to stroke with.

WooHoo has a cute shape and an interactive style which caters to the taste of women and children. Through the rich imagination and creativity, WooHoo makes a great impact on its users visually.

它独特的开关机音效也是给大家留下了深刻的印象,开机时高亢的 “WooHoo” 表示愉悦的欢迎你,关机时低沉的 “WooHoo” 则是伤心的暂别你,使它更像一只宠物,而不是冰冷的机器。“WooHoo” 更像一个亲密的朋友,与你分享感受不同的音乐与心情,陪伴你的成长,为你单一枯燥的生活创造它特有的色彩。“WooHoo” 在用户有了更多的造型,每一个都是独一无二的,专属于你的 “WooHoo”。

WooHoo has a cute shape and an interactive style which caters to the taste of women and children. Through the rich imagination and creativity, WooHoo makes a great impact on its users visually. Not only is it very easy to operate, it also has a very unique personality. When you turn it on, a cheering WooHoo says Hi to you. When you turn it off, a down and sad WooHoo says Goodbye to you. This makes this speaker more like a friend, sharing and interacting with you. You can also customize its hair to personalize it in your own way.

